Esta fue la quinta parada, en Montenegro. Sinceramente me dejo impresionada, es un sitio increible y precioso donde se juntan el mar de color transparente, las montañas enormes y todas sus casitas llenas de encanto y hace una explosión tremenda. Madrugué muchísimo para ver la entrada a Kotor y al pasar por todos esos fiordos ya pensé que volvería.
Al bajar cogimos un barquito y fuimos rodeando toda la costa hasta la pequeña isla de la Iglesia de la Virgen de las Rocas, que era preciosa(más abajo en la panorámica se ve), que estaba llena de gente poniendo velas y pasando por detrás del pedestal unas 3 veces despues de pedir un deseo. Después de hacer todo el recorrido por la costa, hicimos uno por la ciudad antigua, toda de piedra, monísima.
Para ir decidí ponerme cómoda porque al ir por nuestra cuenta pensaba que ibamos a caminar más de lo que hicimos, así que unos shorts, una camiseta básica con algun detalle en la espalda, que me encantan, y un buen par de bambas perfectas para caminar, en este caso mis segundas Airmax, que las encontré en la parada anterior.
Espero que os guste el post y no dudéis en ir a Montenegro, un sitio ideal para perderse entre tantos callejones de piedras, playas y montañas.
Prometo no tardar tanto en actualizar!
Muchas gracias por las visitas, no paréis de pasaros!!! :D
Miles de besitooooooos
This can't be happening!! I've been leaving this a little bit alone lately... But I appear today by surprise to post some pics of my cruise!
This was the fifth stop, in Montenegro. Sincerely it left me astonished, it's an incredible and nice place where transparent water sea, huge mountains and charmy little houses get mixed and create a sensational explosion. I woke up very very early to see the entrance to Kotor and while we were passing by all those fjords I already knew I would come back someday.
Once we were down we took a little boat and we skirted all the coast until we arrived to this little island where we can find the Rocks Virgin Church, which was beautiful(here in the panoramic you could see it). It was full of people putting candles and passing behind the pedestal like 3 times after making a wish. After all this route by the coast, we did another one through the old town, all made of stones, super cute.
To go I decided to wear something comfortable because we were going by ourselves so I thought we were going to walk more than what we did, so I put on some shorts, a basic tee with some details on the back, one of the thing I love the most, and some sneakers perfects to walk, in this case my second Airmax, which I found in the previous stop.
I hope you like today's post and never doubt to go to Montenegro, it's an ideal place to get lost in between all those little streets made of stone, beaches and mountains.
I promise I won't be that late posting again!
Thanks for all the views, never stop coming by here!!! :D
Thousands of kisseeeeeeeeeeeees
T-Shirt: H&M
Shorts: Bershka
Shoes: Nike Airmax
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
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